Risk & Hazard Assessment
Client specific Assessment necessary to complete tasks safely.​​​​​​​​​​
Personal Care
Shaving a person
Grooming and hair care
Bed bathing
Oral hygiene (Teeth/Dentures)
Eye and ear care
Toileting and continence aids
changing incontinuence pads in bed
Showering assistance
Feeding and drinking (support as needed)
Dressing/undressing (with and without support).
Additional Areas of Support
Social outings
Taxi Card (Aged Care package)
Taxi Subsidiary Cards
Companion Cards
Mental Wellbeing
Personal Interests.
Infection Control Information
Information on safe measures of general infection control.​​​​​​​​​​
Bed Basics
Making an unoccupied bed
How to roll a person 1 and 2 assist
Making an occupied bed
Turning down a bed.
Mobility Support
Safe use of walk belts
Assisting a person from sitting and standing
Mobilising with a wheelie walker or forearm walker
Transferring with a hoist (e.g. bed to chair)
Manual transfer (weight-bearing and pivoting)
Using a stand-up hoist or Sara Steady
Transferring in and out of a car
Falls recovery assistance.
Slide Sheets Support
Sliding a sheet up the bed (with or without assistance)
Using a slide sheet to turn a person on their side
Using a slide sheet to move a person from sitting to laying.